Welcome to pyartifacts’ documentation!

class pyartifacts.ArtifactSource(source_type: str, provides: List[pyartifacts.artifact.SourceProvide] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)

Abstract base class for artifact source definitions

class pyartifacts.ArtifactDefinition(name: str, sources: List[pyartifacts.artifact.ArtifactSource], labels: List[str] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)

Base class for artifacts

class pyartifacts.ArtifactGroupSource(names: List[str], supported_os: List[str] = None)


class pyartifacts.ArtifactCommandSource(cmd: str, args: List[str] = None, provides: List[pyartifacts.artifact.SourceProvide] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)


class pyartifacts.ArtifactRegistryValueSource(key_value_pairs: List[Dict[str, str]], provides: List[pyartifacts.artifact.SourceProvide] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)


class pyartifacts.ArtifactWMISource(query: str, base_object: str = None, provides: List[pyartifacts.artifact.SourceProvide] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)


class pyartifacts.ArtifactFilesystemSource(source_type: str, paths: List[str], separator: str = None, provides: List[pyartifacts.artifact.SourceProvide] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)


class pyartifacts.ArtifactRegistryKeySource(keys: List[str], provides: List[pyartifacts.artifact.SourceProvide] = None, supported_os: List[str] = None)


class pyartifacts.KnowledgeBase(artifacts: Dict[str, ArtifactDefinition])

Class to collect resolved variables and manage their dependencies

get_value(key: str, resolve_callback: Callable[[ArtifactSource], Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[str]

Retrieve a value for a variable. In case the value is not yet available, this will trigger evaluation of the variable. To facilitate this, a callback must be provided that can be used to resolve another ArtifactSource to (text) values. The text value is expected to be

  • For REGISTRY_KEY, the key path(s)
  • For REGISTRY_VALUE, the string representation of the value(s) indicated
  • For PATH and DIRECTORY, the file system path(s)
  • For FILE, the content of the file(s) in one ‘
‘-separated string per source
In any case, the value(s) will be cached for further use before returning to the caller.

Indices and tables